Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The Church at Clarendon is passionate about missions locally, nationally and globally. The Mission Team serves The Church at Clarendon by connecting with identified International and Community Ministries and Denominational partnerships. The Church at Clarendon actively partners with the following mission activities and missionaries by providing prayer, financial, and occasional volunteer support.

Church Scholarships
The Church at Clarendon offers scholarships to qualifying church members through two different programs: the Virginia Alderson Scholarship (due in June of each year) and also through a Church Scholarship program (rolling applications).
Church members who are seeking educational and vocational opportunities to advance their career and personal and professional goals are encouraged to complete the appropriate application and submit the completed application and accompanying transcript via the instructions on the applications.
The Virginia Alderson Scholarship is meant for students pursuing semester/year-long programs at colleges/universities. Scholarships are awarded on a traditional semester basis, part in August and part in December. You will find the Virginia Alderson Scholarship here.
The Church Scholarship program can be used at any time during the year for technical courses, certificates, and other education that advances personal and professional goals. You will find the application here.
Selections for both scholarships are made through the Scholarship Committee which is made up of members of our congregation. If you have questions or would like to apply, please contact [email protected], Scholarship Committee chair.
Church members who are seeking educational and vocational opportunities to advance their career and personal and professional goals are encouraged to complete the appropriate application and submit the completed application and accompanying transcript via the instructions on the applications.
The Virginia Alderson Scholarship is meant for students pursuing semester/year-long programs at colleges/universities. Scholarships are awarded on a traditional semester basis, part in August and part in December. You will find the Virginia Alderson Scholarship here.
The Church Scholarship program can be used at any time during the year for technical courses, certificates, and other education that advances personal and professional goals. You will find the application here.
Selections for both scholarships are made through the Scholarship Committee which is made up of members of our congregation. If you have questions or would like to apply, please contact [email protected], Scholarship Committee chair.

Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC)
AFAC provides supplemental groceries to nearly 2,200 Arlington families every week. Members of the Church at Clarendon helped found AFAC through the Arlington Interfaith Council, and the church building served as AFAC’s early storage and distribution center. To learn more visit www.afac.org.
Arlington Path Forward (ASPAN)
PathForward provides life-sustaining services for Arlington’s street homeless. To lean more visit https://pathforwardva.org/.
Arlington THRIVE
Arlington Thrive is the only organization in Arlington that provides same-day, emergency financial assistance to residents who experience sudden financial crisis. To learn more visit https://arlingtonthrive.org/.
Arlington Free Clinic
The Clinic provides free, high quality medical care to low-income, uninsured adults through the generosity of private donations and volunteers. To learn more visit: Arlington Free Clinic.
New Hope Housing
New Hope Housing provides a comprehensive, innovative array of services to homeless families and single adults. To learn more visit: New Hope Housing.
International Partners
Serve the Kingdom around the world
The Church at Clarendon is passionate about missions locally, nationally and globally. The Church at Clarendon actively partners with the following mission activities and missionaries by providing prayer, financial, and occasional volunteer support.
Missions Partners

Honduras, Commission to Every Nation
Heather and Jose Miguel serve in the rural, mountainous town of La Unión, Lempira, Honduras. Their ministry, called Enliven, focuses on medical/health ministry, building relationships in the community, and supporting local ministries in order to encourage and equip others to serve God. Heather has lived in La Unión since 2011.

South Africa, Commission to Every Nation
Nina is a member of the Church at Clarendon who now serves at Child Haven in Johannesburg, South Africa. Child Haven is a children’s home serving orphaned, abused, and neglected children. It is one of four Havens that are a part of Masiphane, a non-profit founded as the social outreach arm of His People Church.