Can You Go Three for Three (Week 2)

But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. Luke 5:16 (NLT)
This month, I will dedicate this space to asking us to pray for three minutes for three very specific people/situations. Change is often incremental. We may not notice that we are maturing, developing, and growing day-by-day, but eventually the cumulative impact of our small positive steps will be evident. With this truth in mind, do not take lightly the power of a one-minute prayer, prayed from a sincere, faith-filled, and open heart.

Today pray for : 1) a small business owner or someone who has a ministry, 2) a family that has a child/children with special needs, 3) God to give you a deeper understanding of your purpose in this season. Three prayers. One minute each. #letsgo

Find the Prayer Blitz Calendar here. We are making a difference on earth with our prayers! Stay focused and remain committed. Thank you!

Loving and praying for you,
Pastor Danielle

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