Looking for the Beauty

I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 (NIV)

I love beautiful things! I mean everything from flowers to dresses, to shoes (really like shoes), to art. I like beautiful music, beautiful people – which is all of us when we smile – and you already know how I feel about words. Beautiful words really add meaning to life. It is so nice when we can see the beauty that surrounds us.

Admittedly however, it’s not always easy to recognize the beauty in some things and people on the surface. In those times, we must commit ourselves to looking for the beauty. When we take time to seek out beauty and goodness we get doubly blessed. We are blessed when we finally see it and we are blessed as we journey to find it. We overlook opportunities to show goodness and to extend grace to ourselves and others each day simply because we do not look for beauty. We sometimes mismanage our chance to be Christ’s hands, feet, and mouthpieces, not because we cannot do it, but because we are not focused upon the right things.

Today, look for the beauty. God has promised that there is beauty to be found in every season of our lives. It may be on the surface, or it may be just beyond it, but either way, it will be worth it when you find it.

Loving and praying for you,
Pastor Danielle

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