Lenten Devotional Reading for April 7 written by Abbie Tolbert

Luke 15:11-32

Editor's note: We reflected on this passage on March 11, but return again to hear the good news one more time during this holiest of weeks.

The parable of the prodigal son is a story of repentance and forgiveness. It's an ideal story to meditate on during the Lenten season. Today I'd like you to reread the parable of the prodigal son, but where it reads inheritance/property/money, substitute the word blessing.

Matthew 7:11 establishes that God is a good father who gives good gifts to His children. These valuable gifts are God's blessings. But sometimes, we exchange God's blessings for the things of the world. God’s blessings are not limited to material possessions, they are our time, talent, jobs/career, relationships, and knowledge. We become the prodigal child when we beg our Good Father to bless us, misuse the blessing for our benefit, and only come to our senses after calamity strikes. All the while, our Good Father eagerly awaits our return and welcomes us back with open arms.

How have you squandered away God’s blessings?
What checks can you put in place to ensure you use God’s blessings appropriately?

Abba, forgive me for squandering away your blessings and neglecting to use them for your glory. I am thankful, that you are the Good Father who patiently waits for me to repent so you can restore our relationship. Amen

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