We Need You!

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
Well, we have made it to the last Friday in July! Where, oh where, has the time gone?!? I hope you are ready for a little rest in the month of August. That’s when we will be in recess from our weekly Bible studies, prayer times, and regular monthly meetings. I will even be taking a break from writing this weekly newsletter. We will, however, be in worship every Sunday at 10am. 
During the downtime, I have a request for you. Will you take time to sincerely pray about how you can use your spiritual and natural gifts to serve our church and community? I know that none of us are looking for more things to do. Nevertheless, it is so important that we all realize the necessity of being together, not only in worship, but also, in service. Both are essential!
There is great joy and connection that comes from worshipping with others. Moreover, sharing our faith in community makes us stronger and more confident about our beliefs and our lifestyle choices. We also gain a lot through serving together. When we serve, we build camaraderie. When we serve together, we encourage the bonds of friendship and fellowship. When we serve, our hearts are knit together and we learn how to give and receive love, compassion, comfort, and even correction. Friends, we need all of this!
Do you have 1-2 hours a month to serve with our Sunday School or Children’s Ministry? Do you have 2 hours a month to serve alongside our Welcome Team, Praise & Worship Ministry, or the Multimedia Ministry? These wonderful folks are the face of our church and extend our ministry presence out to the world (literally). Or maybe you can share just 30 minutes a month leading our Wednesday morning Prayer Call or serving with our Intercessory Prayer Ministry. I can assure you that whatever way God is calling you to get involved – a deacon, trustee, teacher, or administrative support – there is a need for your smiling face and open heart. And the return you’ll get on your investment of time and energy will be much greater than you can imagine. (See Ephesians 3:20)
Each week in our spoken benediction “As We Go” we reaffirm our commitment to becoming.better.together. with God and one another…. Let’s not allow these to be words that we merely recite. Prayerfully, let’s find ways to live them out as we serve our community. Thank you for praying!

Loving and praying for you,
Pastor Danielle

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