The Alpha and Omega

"Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" John 8:58 (NIV)

As we continue to celebrate, commemorate, and anticipate the coming of Christ, let us remember these important truths: Jesus was, Jesus is, Jesus forever will be. Christ is eternally ours. Whatever we need, He can provide - and indeed has provided through His abiding presence. Whatever we lack, He makes up the difference. Today, don't focus too much on what you do not have. Stay locked in on Jesus, the One who promises to be with you always, even until the end of the world. (See Matthew 28:20)

In Christ, we see the perfect picture of God. We see Emmanuel, God with us. God became a child in order to give us all that God is and to show us all that we can become. In this season of giving and receiving, set your heart, mind, and spirit upon the best gift that the world has ever known: Jesus Christ. Ours then, ours now, and ours eternally. Amen.

Loving and praying for you,
Pastor Danielle

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